OPEN2DAY.DK MøN: Accommodation
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Liselund Ny Slot Billede/Photo/Bild Langebjergvej 6, Borre+45 5581

Hotel and restaurant in the most beautiful surroundings. Peace and tranquility in class.

Booking requests via mail or telephone
Tiendegaarden B&B Billede/Photo/Bild Sønderbyvej 29, Råbymagle+45 5581

Lodging with soul and charm

Book online at our website
Keldby Camping Møn Billede/Photo/Bild Polerupvej 3, Keldby+45 4116

Campground in the middle of the green island Moen

Booking requests via mail or telephone
Camping Mønbroen Billede/Photo/Bild Kostervej 86, Koster+45 5581

A quiet camp site at the sea, with room for kayaking and fishing. Cabins with toilet for rent

Booking requests via mail or telephone
NyGammelsø B&B Billede/Photo/Bild Grønsundvej 251, Damsholte+45 5581

B&B in quiet village on Vestmøn. Large park-like garden. Breakfast. WiFi. Close to the "Berlin-Cop

Booking requests via mail or telephone
Campaya Møn Billede/Photo/Bild Erhvervsbyvej 11, Horsens+45 7874ælland/Vordingborg/Møn/

Campaya has more than 300 holiday homes on Møn, which you can easily book on the website.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Motel Stege Billede/Photo/Bild Provstestræde 4 (hjørnet af Havnestræde), Stege+45 3144

Book your next stay in the medieval town.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Dyrlev B&B Billede/Photo/Bild Dyrlevvej 12, Præstø+45 2893

Stay in the old equestrian school. We have two rooms with large loft. View of open fields.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Bed & Bike Møn Billede/Photo/Bild Sønderbyvej 27-29, Råbymagle+45 2347

Bed & Bike - a good experience

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Feriecenter Østersø Færgegård Billede/Photo/Bild Kalvehave Havnevej 45, Kalvehave+45 5538

A scenic beauty at the foot of the Moenia Bridge. 20 nice and well equipped holidayapartments.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Feriepartner Møn Billede/Photo/Bild Storegade 2, Stege+45 5586

Sommercottages in Moen, Stevns and South Sealand - by your local Feriepartner

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Camp Adventure Billede/Photo/Bild Denderupvej 19, Haslev +45 3815

Denmark's most beautiful and funniest High rope experience. Scandinavia's longest zipline.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Pension Elmehøj Billede/Photo/Bild Kirkebakken 39, Elmelunde+45 5581

Quiet area ideal for families and groups. Many activities in our large garden.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
ØLHOLM B&B Billede/Photo/Bild Udbyvej 3, Stege+45 2553 1044

Private cottage with large terrace. Close to Stege, forest and beach. TV, Wifi, breakfast basket.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Lilleskovgård Billede/Photo/Bild Lilleskovvej 2, Borre+45 5581

We rent 2 cosy holidayappartments on the first floor on our farm near the cliffs of Møn.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
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