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Keldby Camping Møn Billede/Photo/Bild Polerupvej 3, Keldby+45 4116

Campground in the middle of the green island Moen

Booking requests via mail or telephone
Besøgsbondegården IVS Billede/Photo/Bild Søndre Landevej 15, Hjertejerg+ 45 5219 1307www.kæ

Visiting Farm, Come and experienc loving farm animals! Book here: www.besøgsbondegå

Book online at our website
Geocenter Møns Klint Billede/Photo/Bild Stengårdsvej 8, Borre+45 5586

Experience the birth of Denmark in our interactive exhibition and on guided tours on the white cliff

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Møn Handelsstandsforening Billede/Photo/Bild Torvet 2, Stege+45

Moen Trade City Association arrengerer a lot of exciting arrengementer during the year.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Danmarks Borgcenter Billede/Photo/Bild Slotsruinen 1, Vordingborg+45 2156

Visit the Goosetower and the ruins of Denmark's largest medieval castle

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Gavnø Go Fly Billede/Photo/Bild Gavnø 2, Næstved+45 5570

Denmarks newest adventure course for the family (from 3 yrs.) with the worlds safest securitysystem.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Gavnø Slot Billede/Photo/Bild Gavnø 2, Næstved+45 5570

Gavnø Castle is a cultural treasure with fairytale adventures for the whole family.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Camp Adventure Billede/Photo/Bild Denderupvej 19, Haslev +45 3815

Denmark's most beautiful and funniest High rope experience. Scandinavia's longest zipline.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Noorbohandelen Billede/Photo/Bild Nyord Bygade 1, Nyord+45 5178

Nyord exhibition of local history.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Slotsbryggeriet Gavnø ApS Billede/Photo/Bild Gavnø 1B, Næstved+45 5570

Denmarks only castle brewery. Beer produced with spring water from Gavnø.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
Møn Is- Ismejeri & Gårdbutik Billede/Photo/Bild Hovgaardsvej 4, Pollerup+45 5581

Come and experience a modern farm, while enjoying the tasty ice cream made from own råverar.

The information is not updated. Contact the owner for more information about opening hours.
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